11 Celebs Who Got Called Out By Their Own Parents Or Children


And during October 2023, the 2000s R&B singer took to Instagram to announce a new album, and his new name: Brian Kainoa Makoa McKnight, Sr. He told fans he changed his name so that he could match the name of legacy, Brian Kainoa Makoa Mcknight, Jr. That was a definite blow to his eldest son, Brian Jr. So, like his father, he opened Instagram and jumped on his Stories.

“All we can do is pray for that man, and my new little brother, who we will all welcome with open arms one day, once he realizes who his real family is,” he wrote. “Legacy isn’t in the name. It’s in the character of the people. It will all be quite clear soon, just who’s on the right side of all this, because there’s no escaping what’s coming.”

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