11 Movies People Say Haven’t Aged Well For Unexpected Reasons


Plenty of older movies haven’t exactly aged well for obvious reasons, such as depicting harmful stereotypes. However, sometimes, movies age poorly for reasons no one could’ve predicted.

A while back, Redditor u/TrapperJean asked r/movies, “What is a movie that hasn’t aged well for unexpected reasons?”

Here are 11 of the top responses:

1. Terminator: Dark Fate was released in 2019, but it’s set in 2020. So, the entire movie takes place in an alternate universe where Covid-19 never happened.”

2. “I absolutely still love Dodgeball, but that Lance Armstrong cameo aged horribly considering his doping scandal a few years after the movie came out.”

6. You’ve Got Mail. The whole thing about the big bookstore vs. the little bookstore loses some of its oomph when Borders and Waldenbooks both went out of business, and Barnes & Noble is the last one left.”

7. Crazy Stupid Love became dated immediately. There is a reference to Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher being happily in love despite their age difference. Ryan Gosling’s character criticizes Steve Carell’s character’s clothing, asking if he is Steve Jobs. In the background of a scene is a Borders bookstore. Within a year, Demi and Ashton separated, Jobs died, and Borders went bankrupt.”

8. All the President’s Men is still an amazing movie, but from a modern perspective, it ends in such an odd place — you never see the fallout of their reporting. But travel back to 1976, and it makes sense because everybody knew what happened next. The impeachment and resignation of Nixon was the biggest story in the world just a few years before.”

9. “In Jackass Number Two, when Bam says, ‘Please God, don’t let there be a Jackass 3!

10. The Naked Gun. It’s still a great movie series, mind you, but…Yeah. OJ Simpson. As a cop. Yeah.”

11. And finally: “Men in Black, 1997. When Agent K holds up a very tiny disc, saying, ‘This is going to replace the CD soon.’ Uhm… yeah, how did that work out, K?”

What other movies do you think aged poorly for unexpected reasons? Why? Let us know in the comments!

Note: Some entries have been edited for length/clarity.

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