13 Things Hollywood Straight-Up Gets Wrong Every Time About These Countries, According To Locals

1. “I will never get over in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, where Düsseldorf was portrayed as some small village in the snowy mountains. It made me so angry.”
2. “London is the only part of the UK. Everybody sounds like Mary Poppins and lives in manor homes. Also, we are not as polite as the movie industry makes out.”
“Accents are either cut glass, estuary, or bumbling yokel. If it’s not actually set in London, there are sheep free-roaming in the garden, so you know it’s the country and not the city. And it will be a thatched cottage with roses around the door (in February!) or a big stone manor house-type with a long driveway so they can do a sweeping aerial shot.”
3. “We don’t wear berets. Berets are from a very small region in the south of France called Pays Basque, and the hat is actually called Beret Basque.”
4. “I’m Croatian/Bosnian. Every time I hear a Balkan-sounding name, I get a little hope. Then I find out it’s some mafia dude or someone.
“In video games, they’re criminals with annoying cousins who call three times a day to ask them to go bowling together.”
“And they’re always wearing Adidas tracksuits and gaudy necklaces.”
“Also, they rarely specify what country. They group all the Balkans as the same country.”