14 Scenes That Honestly Kinda Ruined An Entire Movie

“The scene with them playing baseball had me dying laughing.”
Recently, u/jessym1m1 asked r/moviecritic, “What scenes ruined the whole movie for you?” And we thought we’d share some of the best responses:
Amazon Prime Video
1. “Twilight is cheesy from beginning to end, but the scene with them playing baseball had me dying laughing.”

Summit Entertainment
2. “Blofeld being Bond’s foster brother in Spectre. Other than that I quite liked the film (I know I’m in the minority).”

Sony Pictures Releasing
3. “I wouldn’t say it ruined the whole movie for me but in Silence of the Lambs, when Starling is searching the first victim’s room, she finds some semi dirty pictures in the girl’s jewel box. She just leaves them out for the girl’s poor grieving father to find. She could have at least put them back where she found them.”
Orion Pictures
5. “The Mummy Returns: the reveal of the scorpion kings horrible CGI with the rocks signature eyebrow raise lmao. I can’t take it seriously.”
Universal Pictures
6. “Gladiator 2 when the sharks were in the Colosseum. I’m all for a cheesy sequel (I love every Jurassic Park/World), but that took the stupid cake for me.”
Paramount Pictures
7. “The two goofballs in Prometheus playing around with the little aliens things.”
20th Century Studios
8. “In one of the Hobbit films, Legolas’ runs upwards on falling bricks as though they were stairs and I hate it. I know Legolas defies physics at other times but it just seems so unnecessary.”
Warner Bros. Pictures
9. “Indiana Jones, nuclear bomb, refrigerator. I don’t need to say more.”
Paramount Pictures
10. “Spider-Man 3. When Toby Maguire goes to the jazz club I was immediately done. Not a great movie but that was when you realise what pile of crap it is.”
Sony Pictures Releasing
11. “Bond para-surfing down a huge wave in Die Another Day. Abysmal CGI, even for the period.”
20th Century Fox
12. “Thor getting a train direct from Charing Cross to Greenwich. Utter bullshit, ruined the film for me.”
Walt Disney StudiosMotion Pictures
13. Star Wars: The Last Jedi – That scene, the Mary Leia Poppins scene! Gave up on any redeeming qualities of the sequel trilogy, of which there are none.”
Walt Disney StudiosMotion Pictures
14. “The final scene of Wonder Woman absolutely ruined the whole thing for me. Totally on board until that.”
Warner Bros. Pictures