19 Book-To-Screen Adaptations Hollywood Got Really, Really Wrong


Warner Bros. / Courtesay Everett Collection

Just no. The books are so amazing. How anyone thought a two/three-hour movie would be enough to cover the details in the books flabbergasted me.”


“I’ve said this before, but I’ll say it again: they did Harry Potter dirty. When reading the books, Voldemort legit made me shiver, but the movie? Voldemort makes me laughhhh. People stared at me like wtf is wrong with this girl, but I swear, how can you not giggle at his face.”


“At the end of the movies, when they made [Voldemort] come apart and die, all dramatic, but in the book, he died like a human. They ruined the impact all for some CGI.”


“His death was mundane for a reason! And where the hell was Peeves?”


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