Friday Briefing: Trump Criticizes Europe

Briefing|Friday Briefing: Trump Criticizes Europe
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A shot at Europe and a legal setback for Trump
President Trump criticized Europe yesterday for what he called “unfair” trade practices and regulations during a video appearance at the World Economic Forum in Davos. He vowed to impose tariffs on companies that choose to produce outside the U.S.
In the U.S., Trump was handed a setback in his efforts to rewrite immigration law when a judge temporarily blocked his order to end automatic citizenship for babies born in the U.S. Trump’s order is “blatantly unconstitutional,” the judge said.
“Frankly, I have difficulty understanding how a member of the bar would state unequivocally that this is a constitutional order,” the judge told Trump administration lawyers. “It just boggles my mind.”
At the start of his second term, Trump has positioned himself as the face of global hard-line conservative populism. Trump falls at the far end of the right-wing spectrum and has promised changes — like deporting millions of undocumented immigrants — that many of his fans in Europe have stopped well short of.