Josh Widdicombe, a renowned comedian known for his work on The Last Leg, has revealed his “unhealthy relationship” with alcohol and what he has gone through during this time.
The 41-year-old comedian shared in an interview with The Times that he has always fully focused on his hobbies and passions and did the same with drinking.
Widdicombe also said it took him years to realise he had a problem with alcohol because he would not drink every day.
However, things got worse for him in 2022 when he had a breakdown while trying to deal with his alcohol problem, stress, and parenting.
Widdicombe told the same outlet that he would often drink too much, “throwing up and blacking out.”
Reflecting on his struggle with alcoholism, Widdicombe revealed, “I’ve always had a very unhealthy relationship with alcohol.”
The Big Lizard star added, “I didn’t do it every day, so it took me ages to realise I had a problem.”
Moving forward, the QI panellist admitted by saying, “I never wanted to be an absent dad. And yet I didn’t want to let my career slide either. So, I piled even more pressure on myself. Everything was pressure. Eventually I just kind of collapsed.”
“It was just overwork, burnout, leading to depression and anxiety… And I was funnier being more honest. If I talk about closing my eyes and not being able to sleep because I am having an anxiety attack, that’s funny,” Widdicombe concluded.
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