Meghan Markle exposing Prince Harry as a liability to her future with new move

Meghan Markle’s bid to see her husband as nothing more than a liability for her future has led to her being called out. h
Royal commentator Amanda Platell talked about all this in her most recent piece for The Daily Mail.
She started the conversation itself by noting how badly the Sussexes seem to be taking their Hollywood downfall.
With the cooking show only ending up in Netflix’s Top 10 for a short while and critics taking aim left, right and center because of ‘flaws’ Ms Platell also questioned why Prince Harry is being seen as a ‘liability’ by his wife.
Her piece reads, “Harry and Meghan’s popularity is tanking in America, with their $100million Netflix deal due to end this year.” So “this really is their last-chance saloon”.
Thus “you have to ask whether Meghan, so dependent on the success of her new ventures, feels Harry has now become a liability to her rather than an asset.”
“Crikey, what if Harry had appeared on With Love, Meghan while she gleefully sieved the fine white flour for her honey-drivel cake and a got a bit of white powder on his nose?” the expert wondered before slipping in a sly dig at the star with her next words, “Imagine the headlines. Better to leave him on the sidelines walking the dogs and feeding the chooks than tarnish her reputation.”
Despite it all “One thing’s for sure. After the success of Meg’s one-pot tomato spaghetti, we shouldn’t expect With Love, Meghan Part Two to include a recipe for one-pot mushroom fettucine any time soon, however magic it is,” Ms Platell concluded by saying.