Prince Harry recalls Meghan Markle’s threat during fight where he ‘snapped’

Prince Harry recalls Meghan Markles threat during fight where he ‘snapped
Prince Harry recalls Meghan Markle’s threat during fight where he ‘snapped’

Prince Harry’s explosive fight against Meghan Markle has just been brought to light.

All these comments have been shared in the prince’s memoir titled ‘Spare’.

The memoir recounts this altercation with Meghan and sees the prince saying, “Maybe the wine went to my head. Maybe the weeks of battling the press had worn me down.”

Because “for some reason, when the conversation took an unexpected turn, I became touchy. Then angry. Disproportionately, sloppily angry. Meg said something I took the wrong way.”

“It was partly a cultural difference, partly a language barrier, but I was also just over-sensitive that night. I thought: Why’s she having a go at me? I snapped at her, spoke to her harshly – cruelly.”

The prince then added, “As the words left my mouth, I could feel everything in the room come to a stop. The gravy stopped bubbling, and the molecules of air stopped orbiting. Even Nina Simone seemed to pause. Meg walked out of the room, disappearing for a full fifteen minutes.”

“[She asked] ‘Where did you ever hear a man speak like that to a woman? Did you overhear adults speak that way when you were growing up?’ I cleared my throat, and looked away.”

Recalling this, the duke also recalled the ‘threat’ that soon followed suit, and said, “Yes. She wasn’t going to tolerate that kind of partner. Or co-parent. That kind of life. She wasn’t going to raise children in an atmosphere of anger or disrespect.”

“She laid it all out, super-clear,” the duke also added. “We both knew my anger hadn’t been caused by anything to do with our conversation.”

“It came from somewhere deep inside, somewhere that needed to be excavated, and it was obvious that I could use some help with the job,” he also added before signing off. 

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