Prince William finally realizing what being a royal means

Prince William finally realizing what being a royal means
Prince William finally realizing what being a royal means

The stark contrast in Prince William’s demeanor this year, compared to the past, 2022 to be exact, Ms Daniela Elser noted some major differences in her piece for

While the Prince originally looked like he was “a man experiencing all the joy of being forced to weigh up a pay-now funeral plan.”

This time around, at an event to collect DNA samples for NatureMetrics, the Prince played, used a syringe to throw pond water all during the environmental Earthshot Prize awards project.

, “he has also undergone a very obvious style makeover”, in a jumper, blazer combo which is more ‘casual’ in the eyes of the author.

And her conversation didn’t end there either because this newly minted ‘Prince Chuckles’ looks a far cry from before, all while looking anything but “a show.”

The conversation included questions and hypotheses like “Maybe he’s gotten much more comfortable on the royal stage. Maybe, after both his father King Charles and wife Kate, The Princess of Wales were diagnosed with cancer, he has stopped, Scarlett O’Hara-style, giving a damn.”

Or “Maybe he’s realised he can be quite charming. And maybe he’s realised that he doesn’t have to like the media, but they are and will always be an immutable fixture in his life.”

After all, in the eyes of Ms Elser its obvious that his role as “Prince of Wales, demands he market himself and the institution of the monarchy to the UK and even the world, and that requires a certain willingness to play nice with the chaps and chapesses of the press.”

All in all, Ms Elser concluded by noting that what she sees before her now is a man “who has grown confidently into his position and learned to accept that being a prince, being a future King, means that journalists and photographers are an implacable, welded-on part of his life.”

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