Robert De Niro’s Explicit Nickname For Donald Trump Is Going Viral


Donald Trump has long been known for giving people nicknames.

There’s the often-used but now retired “Sleepy Joe.”

Who could forget “Meatball Ron?”

And I’d be remiss to not mention “Mini Mike Bloomberg.”

Well, it looks like Bob De Niro has come up with something a little more blunt for Donald Trump.

Mr. De Niro spoke at a rally outside of Philly and had some choice words for Donald Trump that are now going viral:

Twitter: @pennslinger

“I just want to start, it makes me so fucking angry that we’re here talking about a piece of shit like Donald Trump.”

Yep, it looks like he went with the simple “Piece of Shit.”

“Love how De Niro has zero fucks left to give and is just letting rip,” this person said.

Twitter: @BeyondFest

Either way, we’ve got one week left to go! I can’t believe it, either!

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