U.S. Considers Sending Israel 24,000 Assault Rifles Held Back Under Biden

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Democratic lawmakers had expressed concerns to Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken about the rifles possibly going to settler militias or being misused by the police.

The Trump administration is considering sending 24,000 assault rifles to Israel that had been held up at the State Department on the orders of Antony J. Blinken, the former secretary of state, a U.S. official said.
Mr. Blinken had asked the State Department not to move forward with fulfilling Israel’s request, which comprises three tranches valued at a total of $34 million. That happened after Democratic lawmakers raised concerns that the rifles could end up in the hands of settler militias or that Israeli police officers would use them in acts of unjustified violence against Palestinians in the West Bank.
The State Department did not reply to a question sent by email on Friday about the possibility of moving forward with the order. The Israeli Embassy said earlier that it had addressed questions raised by the U.S. officials about the arms sales.
Israel is buying more than three-quarters of the pending rifles from Colt’s Manufacturing.
The lawmakers became aware of the arms order after the State Department gave informal notification of the sale to two congressional committees a few weeks after Hamas attacks in Israel in October 2023 ignited fierce strikes by the Israeli military in Gaza. The New York Times reported that the order prompted concern from lawmakers and some State Department officials.
At the time, Itamar Ben-Gvir, a far-right Israeli politician, was the minister of national security. He has supported the expansion of settlements in the West Bank and the annexation of the Palestinian territory occupied by Israel. Some Democratic lawmakers were concerned that his police forces would use the American weapons to support settlers engaged in violence against Palestinians, which has become increasingly common in recent years, or to carry out acts of violence themselves.
Mr. Ben-Gvir said in October 2023 that he would give arms to settlements and create civilian militias for the protection of settlers.